Wade Guyton

Zwei Dekaden MCMXCIX–MMXIX, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, 2020

Publisher: Museum Ludwig & Walther Koenig.

ISBN: 9783960987079

Dimensions: 24.8 × 29.2 cm

Pages: 584

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Wade Guyton: Zwei Dekaden MCMXCIX–MMXIX at Museum Ludwig, Cologne (16 November 2019 – 1 March 2020). To date, the most comprehensive publication of Guyton’s exhibitions, including images of all works accompanied by short texts and floor plans. As the title suggests, the catalogue and survey exhibition at Museum Ludwig are comprised of works made by Guyton covering a twenty year period.


With texts by Jo­han­na Bur­ton, Michelle Kuo, Ker­stin Stake­mei­er, and a con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Yil­maz Dziewior and Wade Guy­ton.


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