Monica Bonvicini

The Ecologies of Peace (Group Exhibition), C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba, Spain
April 26, 2024 – March 30, 2025
Amid loss, mourning, and the ravages of war, the yearning for peace feels ever more urgent. And yet, peace, once a beacon of hope alongside freedom, sovereignty, and democracy, now finds itself ensnared in a web of contested ideas and polarizing demands. “The Ecologies of Peace” frames peacefulness and ecology beyond the binary of war and peace to take note of the interrelations and dis/continuities that emerge at a collective moment of rethinking the world. How can we harness the liberatory and equitable potentials enshrined in the concept of peace, drawing on past lessons and failures, while also extending its reach to nonhuman entities and the earth? “The Ecologies of Peace” attempts to suggest an alternative framework through which to cultivate peaceful relations by considering the profound interplay of peacebuilding with restorative, transitional, abolitionist, and ecological justice. 
For more information, click here.  
March 16, 2024
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